

Tunis Street


Quote Number QUO-147
Quote Date March 22, 2022
Valid Until March 29, 2022
Total KWD 465
Kuwait Swedish Company

Dear Sir,

Please check the following specifications for your Computer Desktop requirements, do not hesitate to contact us for more information and prices.

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 DELL 3090 MT Desktop Computer

Intel Core i5
16GB DDR4 Memory
500 GB NVME SSD drive
Dell Keyboard and mouse.
22" Samsung LED Monitor
Windows 10 Lic. Key

KWD 2450%KWD 245
1 DELL 3090 MT Desktop Computer

Intel Core i5
4GB DDR4 Memory
128 GB NVME SSD drive
Dell Keyboard and mouse.
22" Samsung LED Monitor
Windows 10 Lic. Key

KWD 2200.00%KWD 220
Sub Total KWD 465
Tax KWD 0
Total KWD 465